Parking Lot Remodel

You know the back dirt lot in our parking lot? It is typically used to hold staff cars, school buses and overflow parking on busy days. Well, we are giving it a remodel to add more than 80 new parking spaces. Starting today, the dirt lot will be closed for a few months to grade, dig and construct. In the meantime, staff and volunteers are parking offsite to get the maximum space for our guests.

Parking additions overall will include this remodel and another smaller lot, to be added next year.

Parking Lot

Bubbles Repair & the New Book Nook

Bubbles, a perennial favorite among children and adults alike, is closed temporarily for some much need repairs. We are regrading the floor and redoing the bottom portion of the walls in the space. Because of the constant  immersion of bubble solution, the dry wall closest to the floors was eroding. We are redoing it all, with a much more resistant plan! Bubbles will reopen soon; we’re hoping for next week. We will keep you posted!

Additionally, the space that formerly held Click Clack Train Track is getting a complete overhaul to house the brand new Book Nook, a space where we can hold StoryTimes and other programming throughout the construction. The design for the room is beautiful and we can’t wait to share it with you! The space will be stocked with books, specifically selected by our education team to coincide with our interactive exhibits. In the meantime, Click Clack Train Track is living in the old lobby area on the first floor.

Lots of moving parts!